Sunday, June 8, 2008

Keep your fingers crossed!

Hi. So I don't have a job, yet. I had my final interview with the gm today, and that seemed to go well. He did say "Don't worry, we wouldn't have made you come in here this many times unless we like you" at least 3 times. And he said that he'd "definitely be in touch soon," he just have to talk to all the other managers to make sure that they all agree.

So yup. I know you're all as anxious and hopeful as I am (at least, I tell myself that you are because I like to think that everyone deeply cares about me. :) ) so I thought I'd keep you updated.

In other news, I got to hang out with Alex all day yesterday. I admit, I was not looking forward to it, I really didn't want to babysit at all, but, well, they kinda needed me so I was perfectly happy to help. But then it turned out that I had a lot of fun. We played in the sprinklers for at least 2 hours and that was a blast. At first I was like "Aack, no! Don't get me wet!" but then I realized that I'm here playing with a toddler and it's like 85 out and I can get as wet as I want and be as silly as I want and it was a lot of fun. I felt like a little kid again. :) We also played hours of "I'm gonna catch Alex!!!!" which was fun. And then I had yummy leftover spaghetti. And then I watched tv. Good times!

Right now Matthew is at some hotel bbq thingie. He said that it's only for employees, but he might have just said that so I didnt ask to go. It's not like I could anyway cuz I had my interview. But yeah. So I'm home alone and bored. Again. As always. blahblahblahblahblah!

Hopefully once I have a job I'll have more interesting stuff to say.

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