Thursday, June 19, 2008

deadly gas is leaking into our apartment!!!

Ok, well maybe not deadly, but still! There's a gas leak somewhere, which we knew about because we were being charged for "heat" even though we never turned on the heater, but now when the AC starts it blows out some gas and smells pretty strong and makes our eyes water. ugh. We had them look at it awhile ago, but they just insisted that nothing was broken.

We need to move.

So I built a new tank today for my darts. Their old tank leaks. They're still in their old tank, but I'll move them tomorrow when my Petsmart buddy comes by to get the broms in it. :) I just feel so bad throwing away plants that are still alive. It's like I'm saying that their life doesn't mean anything!! Which, ok, in dollars, yeah, not so much. But still!

I'm weird, I know.


Anonymous said...

Susie if you think there is a gas link, call the gas company(Ian).

also I think spell check has been farmed out to India Muna

RN said...

susie, call pg&e and have them do a clock test on your meter, its probably free and if you call them and not your dumbass landlord they have to respond no matter what time day or night (CPUC regulations) just tell them you smell gas, and they will be there