Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Turtle poo is stinky.

So Matthew's insisting that he didn't break up with me. All he did was tell me that A-I am incapable of changing, B-He is incapable of changing, and C-Living like this makes him suicidal. But that doesn't mean he wants to break up! Apparently what he wants is to move into different apartments and stay together, which I told him I didn't want to do. So then I asked him point blank if he wants to stay together and stay living together, or move into different places and break up. There's only two choices. He just sat there quietly for about 2o mins and then walked out of the room.

So that's pretty much what's going on there. We're not really talking to each other much. Like, he asked me how Fuzzy was doing without as much fur (he cut a bunch off a few days ago cuz she was getting matted) and... umm... Actually that's about it. Needless to say we don't have much of a relationship right now, but we're not fighting... so that's good I guess. Chris came over today to help me move my bed back into my room cuz it was still in the living room, which was just annoying. Matthew's in his room. Obviously.

Hmm... Now that my APMT class (Anatomy and Physiology and Medical Terminology) has finished with the MT part we're getting a ton of homework, so that's keeping me busy. Yesterday we were assigned 25 key terms to define, and today we were assigned another 50 or so, along with several work sheets, which are all due on Monday. And I still have my other 2 classes. So all in all I have at least two hours of homework every night, or an entire day of homework if I put it off until Sunday, which I'm trying not to do, which is easier since this is Matthew's computer and he does actually need it sometimes, which means that sometimes I have no computer at all, like today when I didn't have one for like 3 hours, so I got caught up on some homework (I still have a few hours more) and fed all my animals (even the snake!) and cleaned out the turtle tank. :)

I've called about some apartments, but haven't filled out any applications yet, which I know will make some of you annoyed (Hi Mom!) but, well, um..... I don't really have any good excuses. I mean, yeah, I've got hw and all, and all the drama with Matthew, but that is all stuff that I could do during the evening and then still have time to look for apartments during the day. What can I say, I'm lazy. And if you ask Matthew, that's never going to change.

Oh, and to answer your question, I'm ok. Which is kinda weird, but I'm honestly not depressed or all that upset or anything. We'd been having a lot of problems lately and it kinda got to the point where I just didn't really care anymore and it's not like this was unexpected anyway.


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