Sunday, May 4, 2008

Forking the Family Pastor

On Friday Matthew actually felt like being nice and going up to Tehachapi with me, but Mom and Dad were at Bible Study or something, and Mercedes came up and was hanging out with Abby (and as much as I love them both separately I didn't really feel like hanging out with the 2 of them. I'm sure you understand) so we finally took Rachel and Ian up on their offer to hang out anytime. It was fun! We played a LOT of Scattagories (all 16 rounds) and didn't leave until after 1am. Poor Ian and Rachel. Me and Matthew get to sleep in, but yeah.


So we'd been talking all night about "forking" Gabe because I guess he mentioned something about it in church last week, and at midnight we finally got around to it. The boys stayed home (I'm sure their excuse was something like "we have to stay home with the kids," but really it's just cuz they're wimps) and me and Rachel did it. It was awesome. We forked Gabe. He was in the garage the whole time too. At one point someone opened a door and we freaked out and ran down the street, which would have been a wise thing to do, but we ran in the wrong direction, away from the car. Good times!

I look really fat in this picture, but that's ok, I'm posting it anyway.

So yup. There's that. I am very curious to see what Gabe said about it during church today. :)

hmm... let's see... What did I do on Sat? I don't think we ended up doing anything... I think I spent all day watching Surface (some show that only lasted one season, but I liked it, Google it if you want more info about it). The creepy thing is that the star totally looks like Rachel. Lake Bell See! She totally looks like her!! Well, almost. Rachel is prettier. :)

So then today I finished Surface and then like 5 seconds later Mom calls. Yay! I love it when she calls because that always ends with free food. We went barstool shopping, and then ate, and then hung out there for awhile. And then we came home and me and Matthew played Monopoly. He kicked my butt, but only because he made some lame rule about no mortgaging anything, because otherwise I would've bought boardwalk and he wouldn't have been able to get stupid hotels on stupid Park Place that I landed on 3 stupid times.


And then! And then! I ate some leftovers. And I took the cans out to my car. Well, most of them anyway. And then! I cleaned the stove and fed my snake. And then! I typed this. YAY!!!

My life is so exciting.

Although a job would help.


April said...

Susie,( I have known you since 7th grade)
You are hysterical. I loved you "damning the Pyrex" and the realization that Matthew was an "ass" because he didn't appreciate your looking for a job that required makeup and dressing up. You go girl! What do men know anyway? You do NOT look fat in the photo, I also saw lots of raggedy looking monkeys in India (maybe that is just how they are) and I love your blog! ~April (from Tehachapi, now in Washington)

RN said...

Apparently our forking job was "weak" according to Gabe. I thought we did a good job but obviously not up to his standards of at least 4000 forks.