Me: Hey I'm going over to Chris and Lacey's to babysit.
Matthew: Ok.
Me: Umm, are you awake?
Matthew: Yes!
Me: Ok, so you're not going to think I was kidnapped if you wake up and I'm not here?
Matthew: No!
Me: Good. So where am I going?
Matthew: You were kidnapped by Chris and Lacey!
Me: Good enough. Bye!
3:30am Matthew calls, "where are you?"
Last night, 1amish, Matthew is sick
Matthew: *moaning*
Me: Hey, are you ok?
Matthew: It hurts!
Me: What hurts?
Matthew: My baby!
Me: *laughing* Your baby hurts?
Matthew: Yes! My baby hurts!
Me: Ok... well how about I kiss it better? *kisses his belly* Is that better?
Matthew:Yes, thank you!
Good times. He told me not put this on here, but, well, it's really funny, and I'd just tell you guys anyway, so yeah. :)
I babysat Alex again yesterday. I don't think I'm a very good babysitter. He fell off the couch and has a big bump on his head, and he fell into one of his toys and bit his tongue. I swear I was watching him! Anyway. So then Lacey was making dinner and we invited Matthew to come over and we had a quick little birthday dinner, complete with cake! It was very yummy. Lacey made really good rice. Yay!!
So my tadpoles are getting big, which is good. That means that they're eating. Although... to be honest... I think they're mostly eating each other. Every so often, I'll see an almost dead one and then a few hours later the very much alive one that was hanging out with him is suddenly really fat and he's nowhere to be seen. I figure it's ok though, survival of the fittest and all. Besides, tadpoles are full of all sorts of healthy stuff for other tadpoles.
Anywho, they've been cutting down trees in our apartment complex, and for some reason we haven't had any hot water, but it's back, so I'm gonna go shower. Yay for hot water!! That's the whole reason I came home from Peru, I needed hot water for my showers!