Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I'm a dinosaur.

I got a new turtle today. It's a baby red eared slider from a girl at work. I named it Patty from Priscilla (cuz I like to be allerative, and it's flat and round) and if it turns out to be a boy, I'll just change it Paddy from Priscilla and say he's Irish.



Orange said...

So the family is now down two puppies and up one turtle...

Chris Newkirk said...

↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑

EPIC Comment Spam!!!

The Loss Adjuster said...

@Susannah Your turtle could still be Paddy for the month of March. He/she's a St. Patrick's Day turtle!

@anonymous WTF?

Susannah said...

wow, yeah that was too much.

Desert Rat said...

At least changing the name won't confuse him ;-) How does one know if a turtle is a boy? Um nevermind don't answer that. ;-)

Susannah said...

Actually sexing adult turtles is really easy. The size of their claws, the size of their tail, and the shape of their tail are radically different from each other. :)