Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Bye bye Froggies!

I had to sell some of my frogs. Actually, almost all of them. I've still got the luec (the orange and black dart frog), but I sold all the mantellas. The problem is just that I've been too busy to be cycling them properly, or feeding them properly (they do better on a diet of crickets, and I don't breed those, and apparently they need supplements cuz they can't process vit a as beta carotene or something or another) and I am one of the very few people known to have a certain bloodline of one of them, so when an experienced breeder contacted me about buying them I went ahead and sold all of them (at a very good price too, the guy should consider himself very lucky). I'm kinda bummed about it, but it does take a huge load off my back cuz now I don't have to worry about fruit flies, yay!! Those were a pain in the ass. I'll still have to buy crickets for my geckos, so I'll just switch the one remaining frog that I have to a staple of crix and just give her the occasional fruit fly from those little containers that Petsmart sometimes has.

Ok where was I? Mom just called to ask me about the frogs. :)

And apparently it's St. Patrick's Day! Woohoo! Or something.

Today one of my neighbors asked me why they never see me. Which I thought was a kinda strange question. I mean, they don't see me cuz I don't hang around outside in the parking lot like everyone else. I actually go to work and school and all that. I see people while walking to and from my car (and having minor arguements over where I can park, I say it's a public street and I can park wherever I want, but one of my neighbors thinks that not only is his driveway his, but the street in front of his apt is his too, a point on which I disagree, so he keeps yelling at me when I park there, so I always just smile and wave and pretend to not hear him as he's telling me to move my car) but that's pretty much it.

I've been hanging out with Michael (The Loss Adjuster), and Michael (boy I'm sorta dating), and Kim (bartender from work) a lot lately. It's been quite nice, but it barely leaves me any time to do things like homework and laundry, but of course, the busier someone is, the more they get done, so I've actually been keeping up with my homework (it helps that it's annoyingly easy) and sorta keeping up with laundry. The dryer still doesn't really work, but it's been so nice out, and so hot on my porch/balcony/front step thingie that my clothes dry within about 15 mins outside anyway. See! I'm saving the environment! Go me.

Ummm....... That's pretty much it. I actually need to go do some laundry now. My blanket on my bed is fuzzier than Fuzzy is, which is annoying.


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