Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Good eye sniper! I'll shoot, you run

Yay it's Susie! I'm updating my blog! I know you're all thrilled. You should be anyway cuz I am the awesomeness, and therefore my blog is also the awesomeness.

Or something.

It's my last week at SJCH. At least, for the time being. I might go back. I don't know. The next 5 weeks I'll be at Mercy Southwest on Mondays and Tuesday, and Bakersfield Endo on Thursdays. CPK is getting annoyed at the fact that my very limited availability changes every month, but they can just suck it. :) Yesterday my preceptor told everyone that I'm the best student ever and she wishes we were all this good, today my surgeon told me to request his room whenever we're both there, so I'm taking that to mean that I'm doing very well. Hopefully I'll have a job before I graduate! Sorta. Cuz then I'll feel somewhat obligated to stay here, but it'd be worth it. I figure if I get a job before I finish I'll just stay for a year and then leave.

Umm... That's really about it. I pretty much just go to school, go to clinicals, go to work, and do homework. And occasionally housework (I cleaned the house on Sunday, I keep having to debride (I have no idea how to spell that... we'll just say "surgically clean out") spider bites and it's making me kinda paranoid about bugs and stuff).

Hmm..... Yeah. It's realyl hard to have a social life when you have to get up at 5am. I'm usually in bed by 9 and unconcious by 9:30. Which is kinda nice actually. I'm not used to sleeping so well. I don't even wake up when people call or text me, even though the phone is right next to my pillow. :)


Orange said...

Yay Susie! I'm not surprised!

CarGate said...

Keep up the good work and sleep schedule! Sometimes I don't get to bed till 5am! So proud of you.

mom said...

It is about time the rest of the world knows what I have always known.You are special.and I love you