Thursday, December 13, 2012

Car alarms, cookies, and too many dirty dishes.

There's one on every street.  You're sitting back, enjoying a nice quiet afternoon (although to be honest, I was more sitting back, bored out of my skull and starting to get sleepy from it) when you hear the honking.  It goes on, but only for a couple mins.  You figure "hey, we've all accidently set off a car alarm before, no big deal!"  Until 5 mins later, when it goes off again.  Maybe it's someone's kids setting it off?  That might excuse it, but shouldn't an adult have rectified the situation the first time?  Again, no more than a couple minutes goes by before it's off, and again, it goes back on again.  Seriously?  By now you're really wondering, what on earth is going on?  How do you accidently set off the alarm so many times?  And by now, shouldn't you be faster at turning it off?  Sadly, there are no answers.  Eventually, the beeping will stop, and all will be quiet once more.

Although that wasn't nearly as bad as the guy who let his motorcycle run for about 15 mins at 6 this morning, before finally driving away.  Of course, this time we all know who it was.  Yup, it was the cop who lives across the street and down 2 houses.  One would think he'd be a little more considerate of noise and whatnot, but nope.  Ugh.

I went to make cookies today (peanut butter blossoms, I made some last week with a new recipe and they were really, really good, and I had some leftover kisses, so I figured I might as well make them again!), but there was a sink full of dirty dishes.  Man!  I didn't want to do chores!  I just wanted some yummy goodness!  It seems like that always happens too.  Maybe I ought to be more on top of actually putting dishes in the dishwasher.  And of course, I couldn't fit all the dishes in there.  So there's still a half sink full.  Well, ok, now there's a full sink full again, but that's including cookie mess.  Somehow with this recipe I manage to use two different 1/2 cup measuring cups (that sounds really redundant....), a two cup pyrex dealie, all three different sized teaspoons, and another spoon for scooping out flour.  Not to mention the mixing bowl and the blade on the mixer and the pans and the dish I use to set the unwrapped kisses.

Awesome cookies make it all worth it though.

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