Monday, January 26, 2009

my boyfriend is music, my boyfriend is music

I've had that song stuck in my head the last few days, which is a good thing I guess. I only listen to upbeat music when I'm in a good mood, so yeah.

School was soooooo boring today. I'm pissed that my anatomy class isn't more interesting. I mean, I LIKE anatomy! ugh. I hate boring teachers. And then in my other class we were going over basic chemistry again and OH MY FUCKING GOD PEOPLE THIS IS NOT COMPLICATED!!!!!!!!!!!!!GGGAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH By basic I mean "This is an atom. It has electrons, protons and nuetrons." "Wait, I thought they had a nucleous?" This is like the 5th time we've gone over it. The teacher has started to just give us information that's only sorta right to make it easier for people. Like saying that the atomic number (referred to simply as "that number in the corner") is the number on electrons. The thing is, he obviously is a smart guy who totally understands chemistry, and I'm actually very impressed with his patience. I don't have any. Not when it comes to trying to teach people stuff that's easy for me and hard for them. But SERIOUSLY???? This is very basic stuff. I learned this stuff in FIFTH GRADE!!!!!!!


In other news, I have an appointment in LA to get my passport on Friday morning, which is good. I made sure that I have my birth certificate (at least I didn't lose everything), and I've already got the applications, so all I need is to get my pictures. And talk someone into going with me. I'm trying to get Adam (a friend from work) to go with me. At first he said he was busy, so then I was like "Oh, well that's ok then. I just get all freaked out when driving around LA when I don't really know where I'm going and I'm by myself." "Oh, you're going by yourself?" "Looks like it. I don't really know anyone else who could go with me. I know you work that night, but so do I, so I'd be back by then anyway, which is why I asked, but it's ok if you're busy." "I might be able to go...."

bwahahaha I love manipulating boys.

That makes me sound terrible, but I don't want to drive down there by myself!!! It's kinda tricky to ask people to voluntarily get up early (I made an early appointment so I'd be sure to have plenty of time before work) and then go hang out at a passport office all day.



The Loss Adjuster said...

Ways to make the time at the passport office go by faster:

1. Flask.
2. Make fun of everyone walking through the door that isn't you.
3. Second flask.

Susannah said...

yeah, but i really need a passport. i figure bringing a cute boy will suffice.

Susannah said...

and it wont get me kicked out

The Loss Adjuster said...

Maybe it'll work if you can get the cute boy to dance for you. Dance, cute boy, dance!

Chris Newkirk said...

Yeah, the SJVC "science" classes are pretty ridiculous.

I remember learning about the Law of Conservation of Energy. We were asked to give examples. One person suggested an example of a lightbulb changing electricity into light and heat.

We were told that was close, but not a good example.

Then, as a joke, I suggested that double paned windows were an example of the Law of Conservation of Energy. You know, because they conserver energy... The "professor" liked that example very much. Then other examples were given: driving hybrid cars, riding the bus or walking, turning the lights off when you leave a room, and others.

This was what I learned in college. I swear I'm not making this up.